Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well I`m moved in so to speak.. I like the house, it`s cool.. kind of beachy-cabin! Hmm.... honestly I think i`m having second thoughts and really wanna bawl my eyes out. I don`t know why. Maybe it`s the new town, new people .. grrrrrrrrr... this is probably, a temporary feeling of negativity..but i`ve had some bad luck. I was late getting the UHAUL returned, cos i didn`t have anyone to follow me back to take it, My sister decided to show up, I arrived at the UHAUL place at 5:01.. the whole thing cost me like 250 bucks. I`m NOT happy!!!! now I`m off to move furniture around, cos my sister needs to move her stuff in........i`ve basically have unloaded the truck myself, and moved all the stuff in myself.............ok so i`m havin` a bitchy moment.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Global Warming

I watched the former VP Al Gore on Oprah on Tuesday discuss "Global Warming" It was quite interesting and VERY alarming. I believe you can read up on this at Polar Bears are drowning daily due to the ice melting in the Arctic. (they have no where to go) very sad.. not only that, In Alaska, towns are actually floating away. The Global warming has affected the earth at a rapid speed. Just check it out.. It opened my eyes. He also listed simple things we can do, that will make big changes. Something to really think about.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

collage 2


was in the mood for a collage, and when i made it, i just went with my mood.. and randomly wrote words...M


I felt compelled to write this evening..i`m sad... why? don`t know really. Lonely. can`t shake the blues sometimes. i`ve decided to do something creative, seems to always help. i`m having a difficult time concentrating on finals and need a break. it will do me some good.. peace

Monday, December 4, 2006

GREAT website!!! I just absolutely fell in love with this site. The art is amazing..simple, modern, and fun!!! Check out the "racy" greeting!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

i flew to houston in october to buy my beetle, i must say, smartest thing this chick`s done in a while. excellent on gas! (a lil` hard to haul furniture now) but it`s so awesome. loaded, sunroof, mp3 player. my bf doesn`t like it...heehee.. well he`s not the one that has to drive it eh? i have fun driving it. i don`t miss the super trooper..i may have a buyer for that. i have always wanted one, and now i don`t think i`ll ever drive anything else!

i happened to open up the book we read every christmas and remembered what my mom wrote to me in 1977. so sweet."what you are is god`s gift to you,what you make of yourself is your gift to god"

random questions for everyone!

random questions: come on..join in!

sweetest memory?
my dad driving around with me, we wouldn`t go far, but the stories and the chats we had took us all over the world.

favorite holiday? as a child i enjoyed easter and christmas. my mom took us to the "easter egg lady".. it was magical, sugared eggs, confetti eggs, it was like a dream. she only opened during the easter season, it was such a treat. we had an easter tree every year. cut branches, sprayed them white, loved it! at christmas, we read twas the night before christmas, i still have the book, and it sets by my tree every year.

favorite color? right now.. i`m liking powder blue, brown and orange.

favorite store? i like ikea and spice...simple

favorite smells? rain coming and sugar cookie candles.

biggest indulgence? food... tex mex! buying paper! Oilily bags!!!

what are you afraid of? clowns? pissy people..i can`t tolerate the "walking on eggshells".
not graduating from college.(note my age!)
and being alone when i`m old.

what are you missing right now? my grandma`s yard,the smell of cooking outside her door.

what do you want to change right now? I wish I had an instant cure for all those suffering like me from depression.

Hopes for the new year? peace

interesting for the enviroment. I thought this was pretty interesting...I think it`s a good idea.
“It seems like to cut a tree and put it in your house and have it dry out and then just toss it away is such a shame. This way, I know it will be replanted — no guilt.”
— Pat de Garmo
Rent-a-tree consumer